dont. ever. go. there.
The food is sucky. It was a buffet, and there were probably less than 8 dishes to pick from. (not including the fruits/dessert of course) Some of them i took one bite and spat out. Well maybe cos i dunno how to eat, but still. bleahz.

the leftover yusheng which noone wants to touch cos it's so yucky.

And the service was terrible! ok the 'waitress' waiting on my table was this.. sixty year old woman who is a bit senile. Seriously not to be biased or what but i think restaurants should have an age cap for waitresses.
I mean, having sixty year old aunties walking around isn't very good for the ambience is it? I'm not saying i want like young slim sexy twenty year old waitresses, but at least like, younger and more pleasant looking.
Mine looked like she was sucking a lemon.
And, i asked for a refill of my water.. she said 'hao' (ok) then.. went around clearing plates. then walk around. then my water only came a good 15 minutes later -_- if i was dying of thirst i'd be dead by then.
SRSLY. i was quite pissed with her wanted to make some sarcastic comment. Cos i drank finish the water in my cup then left like 1/4 cup of ice. by the time she came only got water left. o.0
average decor.

my average-cute nephew who made the night less torturous as i could observe his totally random actions like covering himself with the napkin, etc.

not camera-friendly one he.

complimentary bottle of wine, which i think noone will take given the standard of the food.
ok to sum up the whole experience and to let you understand how pathetic the place was.. have a look at the God of Wealth that the hotel hired.

hahahahha. i seriously almost burst out laughing when i saw him. he's like some skinny nerdy-looking guy who has to pack some pillow for his stomach and pants looks like its dropping, and .. OMG THE BEARD. rofl!! it's like some nursery art and craft gone wrong.
hahahah what a joke. i actually went around the place looking for him to take this photo, and he's nice enough to stop and smile for me.hahaha.
ok, off to game the whole night byez.